Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB Delonghi Magnifica S Smart Automatic bean to cup coffee machine ECAM250.23.SB
2,499 AED
Product In one shop
  • Product Type: Coffee Maker
  • Brand: Delonghi
  • Power: 1450W
  • Other Features: 4 of the most popular coffee based recipes at the touch of a button - espresso, two espressos, coffee, and long coffee,Creamy milk foam thanks to the Advanced Cappuccino System,Customise aroma and quantity,Glossy silver and black body with button interface,15 Pump pressure,250g Beans container capacity,1.8Ltr Water container capacity,Max cup height (mm) 140.
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