Carrefour UAE is one of the branches of the global chain of Carrefour markets, and it offers the opportunity to shop online with a wide options parallel to the options of Carrefour markets for direct sale, from durable, small and personal electronic devices, to food, beverages, and household supplies.
Member Since : 23/06/2021
Emirates : Dubai Long Address : Port Saeed, 27th St
Disclaimer: has gathered the above information either from the store contact directly or from the information published on the store's website. In some cases, the store policies and conditions may change without being fully reflected in the above information. We urge you to check the store's policies on the store website directly, using the links provided above, or to contact the store directly in case you have any questions.
The inforamtion is presented for reference only. is not held accountable in case store's policies were different than stated above or have changed, or in case the store did not abide with his stated policies. Please always follow up with the store directly.
Carrefour Economic Soft Facial Tissue White 200 Sheetsx10
يقدم كارفور مناديل فاخرة مستوردة عالية الامتصاص وناعمة. يمكن استخدام هذه المناديل متعددة الأغراض في مكان عملك ومنزلك وحتى أثناء سفرك. هذه المناديل مصنوعة من ألياف عذراء لتوفير جودة عالية ونظافة. إنها ناعمة وممتصة ومصنوعة أيضًا من مواد معاد تدويرها من مصادر غابات متجددة. لذلك في كل مرة تستخدم فيها إحدى المناديل ، فإنك تفعل ذلك دون التأثير على البيئة. لذا انطلق وابتعد.